Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Cloned Animals Coming to a Plate Near You...

Hey guys! Happy New Year!!!! I'm totally alive, just in case you were wondering! Everything is going great in this awesome New Year. 2007 was such a stellar year, but I sensing 2008 will be one for the history books! I'm so glad "the holiday season" is totally over!!! I'm still doing the raw foods diet, but totally slacked at the end of December and dropped down to about 60%. Yes, very sad I know!! I'm totally back on track working on that and the exercise thing. I really thought that since I had fully mastered veganism that I could easily master the raw food life very quickly, it proves to be way more challenging than ever...BUT SO WORTH IT! I've read a lot of blogs from other raw foodist and I see that everyone has their ups and downs with the raw diet and it's not really a win/lose situation. It's basically all win with a whole foods vegan diet as a foundation, but your average score gets higher with the more raw foods you implement!

Though I did eat some cooked foods in my absence from the blog-world, they were still organic and whole foods with no wacky additives or preservatives just the way nature intended. A raw and whole foods diet is simply getting back to basics, food they ate before all the wasteful packaging/microwave/fast food days. I view it as a worthwhile simplification leading to maximum results with minimal effort. This year I'm planning a full on metamorphosis, where I will become not only a better raw vegan but a healthier woman in general. I've found an ideal healthy balance and am quite happy with it, though I do want to boost my raw percentage back up to where it was!! I plan on going on a crazy fresh veggie and fruit juice/smoothie detox in the next few weeks. I'll totally let you know when I start it. I really want to get rid of all the toxins accumulated over the last couple of weeks. Seriously, what can be more nutritious, wholesome and beneficial than implementing a large percentage of raw foods into your life? You simply can’t go wrong.

I apologize for the lack of posts. I guess it is best not to make any more daily blog promises, so I don't have to feel guilty when I'm way too busy or self absorbed (haha) to post!

Today I'm posting this article from CNN: http://www.cnn.com/2008/HEALTH/01/15/fda.cloning/index.html

Just another reason for you to stop eating animals and their secretions produced by mass rape...
Natural? I think not! Thank heavens for organic whole foods! What nature really intended...

It only gets worse from here people…

FDA OKs meat, milk from most cloned animalsStory Highlights
Sheep meat, milk need more research, FDA says

Heated debate has raged for years over use of cloned animals for food production

Experts: Consumers won't see cloned food products for 3-5 years

Next Article in Health »

By Jennifer Pifer

ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) -- Meat and milk from most cloned animals are safe to eat, the Food and Drug Administration announced Tuesday.

Debate has raged around food products from cloned cattle, such as this one produced by the company Viagen.

According to a 968-page "final risk assessment," the FDA finds no safety risks in meat from healthy cloned cows, pigs or goats or milk from cloned cows and their offspring.

"Food products derived from cattle, swine, and goat clones pose no more risk than food derived from sexually reproduced animals," the report said.

However, in the end, the FDA decided it needed more information to determine the safety of meat and milk from cloned sheep. The FDA also decided food from newborn cattle clones, "may pose some very limited human food consumption risk."

The agency reportedly included hundreds of pages of raw data in the risk assessment, to help the public understand how it came to its findings.

For years, a heated debate over the use of cloned animals for food production has stretched from Congress to cattle farms. The agency reached a preliminary decision in December 2006, after a four-year review, that milk and meat from cloned animals was safe for human consumption. Under government policy, the agency was required to collect more safety data before issuing a final decision.

It is highly unlikely actual clones will be used in food production. A cloned cow costs $15,000 to $20,000 to create. More likely, experts said, the offspring of cloned animals will be used. Experts also say it will be three to five years before consumers see milk and meat from their offspring.

Opponents of using cloned animals in food production are angry that the FDA is releasing its report now.

"We think the FDA should pay attention to what Congress is asking them to do," say J.D. Hanson, policy analyst for the Center for Food Safety. "It looks like they are releasing it to sidestep what Congress has asked them to do."

Another concern is economics. "People will start consuming less dairy and meat" out of uncertainty, suggested Michael Hansen, a senior scientist with Consumers Union. His group calls for more study and clear labeling.

Last month, the Senate passed a measure that would bar the FDA from approving the proposal until it conducts further study of the potential health effects. The legislation also would require the Agriculture Department to examine consumer acceptance of cloned meats. The amendment was part of the Senate's $286 billion farm bill, which was passed in December.

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Other consumer groups are satisfied with the findings. "There are still unanswered questions about the use of cloned animals in the food supply, but the Food and Drug Administration has satisfactorily answered the safety question," the Center for Science in the Public Interest said in a statement. "While the safety of any food cannot be proven with absolute certainty, consumers should have confidence that meat and milk from cloned animals and their offspring will be safe."

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