Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Absence Makes My Soul Grow Stronger...

It’s been a while but I’m still here and kicking! I’m still very invigorated and excited about my new raw life!! I had a great vacay visiting the in-laws. I was so happy to get away from emails and the fast paced life of this DC Metro area! It was nice to see all the beautiful scenery that the autumn offers our country. I can not say enough about all the gorgeous land and places we saw on our journey! It was very interesting to be vegan on the road and in a small town, especially raw organic vegan! You would be surprised the leaps and bounds veganism is taking all over America. I was astonished and proud of the selection in Southern Illinois, even for those processed vegan items that we don’t consume. For someone out there those products could be the beginning of a vegan adventure. I always have hope that more people will decide to recognize the atrocity of using animals as food and as a commodity. I will write more about my "raw on the road" experience in my next blog (hopefully tomorrow)!

We got in very late last night (or early this morning to be exact) and I’m very exhausted and have a very packed week ahead of me! A funeral and a wedding…just so much to deal with right now! I will continue my regular daily blog starting Monday, until Monday I can't make any promises. I’m still doing the 80-95% raw diet model. It’s been pretty easy though one day last week on vacay I totally wanted something cooked that was not on my list…I totally got through it and I’m so over it! I’m really doing about 95% raw with the only things cooked being organic short grain brown rice and beans from a slow cooker (only a couple times a week or so). Unfortunately for me I ate a small serving of organic whole grain pasta once in my 14 days of being raw; it is on the 80-95% raw model list (see below). It was a treat for my two weeks of being 95% raw, but after eating it I felt like total crap and I am not eating anything else cooked except for my chosen 5% of non-stove top organic brown rice and beans (slow/rice cooker). Seriously, even though that pasta was on my list I just shouldn’t have eaten it…I felt sick almost immediately and still do a little (though it could be all mental)! I think it is because I have been so heavy on the veggies that something solid and heavy like that just through my digestive tract for a loop. I don’t think it’s a fair game to play with my body…it was more like a trick than a treat! Straight up raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, granola, brown rice, beans and legumes is enough for me...I think following the 100 % model with only a slight adjustment with the rice and beans works perfect with my body. Thanks for reading!!!!!!!

Ann Wigmore’s Raw Model Diet Chart

I noticed today that the DC veg society's monthly raw vegan potluck is no longer meeting regularly as of April. BOO! I guess I decided to jump on the DC raw wagon a little late. Someone should try to start it up again...maybe me!

1 comment:

Katgrrl said...

You were in SO Illinois and didn't tell me! I live in STL...a hop away...we could have met up and caught up on 10+ years of life!!!